Visitors are super. Especially when they're expected. You have time to prepare, plan and get into the visitor zone.
I had some over the weekend.
Pressure applied. I live in London, they reside in Manchester. It's assumed I live the high life, swanky bars, costly ('modern') cuisine, all done pleasantly hand in hand with our friend Moet.
In reality, it's grim. Damp scales the walls & my bank balance wouldn't match the upkeep of a Chihuahua .
Still, pride before a fall.
We meet, I pay for hotel. I even splurge on a £20 lipstick (adore it however, Nars' Velvet Matte). I suppress my shock at the purchase of a gillet at the price of 200. I even bite my tongue when a nail varnish is purchased for 24 smackers.
The only time 'no' was employed was at the suggestion of Japanese dining. Noodles : no-no.
Stalking down South Molton Street, waltzing the wings of Selfridges and developing a thirst for a sommelier to match an adequate tipple to my eats, including the noble Milkyway.
It felt indulgent, enthralling & it was refreshing not to feel vexed.
A worrier by nature, this felt liberating. In the industry I've immersed myself into wholeheartedly, I had held onto my logic. A frugal man once mentioned you should think of 3 questions on considering a purchase;
Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Can you afford it?
Fuck it.
Frivolity is fantastic *
Yes I may have to cut down on my fresh fruit & Diet Coke addiction, but man alive, had a blast.
Now whilst I shan't be setting up a B&B to welcome strangers, spontaneity is age apt. 2 days notice & I'm there (!).
*I shan't get into debt, I'm not that silly.