Like selling from the back of a (virtual) van on the wrong side of the wireless frequency, the Chinese wheeler-dealers have stepped up a gear in their tat-producing ability. Sadly it's not a ninth way to wear JML's 'Magic Scarf', but a flurry of tacky, knock-off replica Royal Engagement rings.
Dubbed a 'replica firestorm' (what nitwit came up with that?), the media (&manufacturers) note that every girl can feel like a princess. What tosh.
With titular plates, cups & probable dolls being churned out, it seems gullible Brits are swooning for the Wedding & crazy for commemorative memorabilia. Well, not me. Oh no sir, because I did it the first time, or at least Mother did. That's right, for all my harking on about a $5 replica, my parent, in 1981 purchased a clone & Grandmother snapped up every bit of crockery available to celebrate the nuptials.
Take that Alibaba, this lone girl of her generation will not be credulous to your nickel trinkets; with prevarications such as;
"When they announced their engagement, it was just by chance that I saw their ring on the internet. I felt that this had a great commemorative value and thought there was a good market for the product" Manufacturer, Zouh Mingwang.
cough he saw money signs cough. It does make me think; which Z-list celebrities would endorse such tack?
1. Kerry Katona
2. Kat Slater
3. Snooki
Place your bets.
Well ... with a site name like that what else would you expect to be selling? Watches from a coat?
Despite the world of fashion turning up their noses to such gaudy frippery, we can now, sadly, indulge in a 'tribute' dress. Move over Issa, Tesco can give us the same 'royal' feeling, for £383 cheaper than you.